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Doubts, Questions, Depression... Bad Christian?

Bible trivia time!! I'll paint a picture of a season in the life of a Bible character. Try to see if you can put a name to each scenario. 


1. Being harshly accused for the hardship of those under this man's leadership, it seems all too much for him to bear. He questions the wisdom of God. He begs God to take him out of that position. 


2. Another man stands up against his corrupt government which is passing laws that violate God's law. He thought that surely more of his people would also stand with him... but he stands alone. He finds himself with a target on his back and the government hunting him. Desiring his life to end, he flees into the wilderness, blaming God. 


3. He left everything behind, to follow God and lives on the road by faith. A bit like an evangelist. The government didn't like what they had to say, though, so they kidnapped his best friend for execution. He was terrified! To escape association with his friend and possible execution, he tried to hide his identity. He thinks his life is over! 


Okay, this last one is not a Bible character, but he is a famous Christian:

4. Sickness seemed to define every aspect of his life. He lived with daily pain. Even his wife was bedridden. He struggled with trauma after witnessing 7 people trampled to death when someone called "fire" in a building packed with over 10,000 people.

Did you guess? 

Go ahead and skip to the bottom for the answers. 


"Our work, when earnestly undertaken, lays us open to attacks in the direction of depression. Who can bear the weight of souls without sometimes sinking to the dust?"

-Charles Spurgeon 


My point to all this: you would NEVER call any of these men anything less than godly and yet, they had their struggles. In our Christian circles, we glorify these characters as "perfect" but they too failed. They had bouts of depression and times when they questioned the wisdom of God. 

Consider Nicodemus. He feared persecution, so he hid his meetings with Jesus. Then, he had the audacity to question what Jesus told him. Jesus did not respond to him with anger but with love. Nicodemus built an intimate relationship with Jesus through his questions. Remember, that he was a Pharisee. He spent a lifetime learning and memorizing the Law.  Nicodemus was supposed to have all the answers. 

Think about it, we all know that children are FULL of questions. We've all asked our "mommy why" questions. Jesus invited children to come to Him. He knew all the questions that they would have and yet he welcomed them. 

If you have doubts or questions, know that it doesn't make you any less of a Christian. 

Whatever you're questioning, Jesus will not admonish you for them. He is not the author of fear but of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) He wants you to have mental peace. (John 14:26-27) He wants you to have your answers. (Matthew 7:7)

References for your further study:

  • Luke 2:46

  • Job 40:7

  • Jeremiah 33:3

  • Mark 8:29 

  • John 3  

Your sister in Christ,

~ Julia

P.S. I got you! you thought I forgot about the answers! Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you hanging.

1. Moses

2. Elijah

3. Peter 

4. Charles Spurgeon 

Did you get them right? Let me know in the comments!

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